Performance Forums > Drivetrain

Track Tension

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Just wonering how or what is the
best way to get them set up equal.
I know that the tension adjusters bolts are not in synk, so can't measure them to be equal .
So would you use a fish weight scale, say in the middle of the 2nd wheel or something, and pull up to get 4 " ??At 25 pounds ?

62 wide gauge

Quote from the 1951 manual...loosen the ten clamping bolts and turn adjusting screw as necessary to permit the track to be raised 2" to 3" by hand from the top of the second front wheel. Hope this helps

Ten clamping bolts  ???were are these?

On my machine the clamping bolts are on the inner side of the assembly that slides back and forth when you adjust the track. They clamp the axle assembly in place so the tensioner bolt does't take any weight when operating.  Your machine  is newer and likely different.  My post was mainly to give another way of judging the track tension without using scales.

My 62, has 2 - 3/4 lag bolts , one each side at back. There is always tension on them. I'm thinking that i would put a bathroom scale ( The wife's,, that she never uses !! ) between the 2 and 3rd wheel. Put a bottle jack on top of the scale, and jack up, measure and compair to other side..,.


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