Performance Forums > Drivetrain
Track Tension
I was checking under my '48 N.G. today because the right track seemed a bit loose,as I went under I realized then that my clamping bolts were loose so I tightened the track to as close as i thought was ther same as the left side for tension then tightened up the clamp bolts.So then I checked the other side the claming bolts were tight but then I noticed my adjusting screw/bolt head was once rubbing on the back side of the tire but doesn't now cause there is a rain groove(as I call it) now cut into the tire.Anyone know why this has happened? Do you think that maybe my adjuster screw/bolt might be bent? ???
There is very little clearance between the adjusting screw and the inside of the tire on my machine and a few marks on the inside of the tire too. If a wheel bearing has been a bit loose or maybe even normal flexing under load could cause this. Just make sure one of the flat sides of the screw is parallel to the side of the tire when you lock wire it to lessen the chance of contact. Mine is a low hour machine so I think they were made that way...
Thanks Averyman,won't worry so much anymore but will still keep an eye on it.
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