Performance Forums > V6 or Straight 6 Engines

engine temp

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the old trucker:

  Just thinking out loud.... next time I'll think low...

I've heard that somewhere before (about reversing the air flow). Is there some other type of machines machines out there that do that? I know that the faster you get the hot air to exit the engine cubby the cooler your temperature will be. Most people simpy tie the motor doors open, but electric fans on the motor doors does the same trick at the flick of a switch and you can quickly turn them off and on as needed.
I see the Hydro has always installed electric exhaust fans on all of its engine doors of their bombers.

had to break a road across the lake last winter in the deep snow when it was fairly warm out. Powdery snow filled the engine compartment when I tied the side doors open all the excess water shorted the electronic ignition. My fan pulls thru the rad and blows out the sides and under the floor depending on where u want the heat. If u reverse the airflow won't the flying snow problem be worse. I would like to figure out a cooling system like they have on liquid cooled snowmobiles to use in addition to the radiator system. Possibly run coolant thru the back pipe of the frame to melt ice build up, pipe it like another heater with an ajustable regulating valve of some kind. Still in the planning stages. Maybe use heat exchangers like snowmobiles?   

Fisher - Have you ever seen bombardiers that have electric fans mounted on the motor doors to help expell the hot air? With this setup you can at lest leave your motor doors shut to help stop the swirling snow entering the cubby.

yep I've seen them. It would be nice to get rid of the ice build up too. Still in the planning stages anyhow.


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