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Is it possible to build a bombarier from scratch?

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the old trucker:

  According to what Averyman & you b12 man, have to say about building from scratch, I agree. B12 man where abouts do you live ??
  I'm curious to see how you have planned to build your bomber. Feel free to send me an email & pics if you like.

  I have built 15 of these machines already in my dreams.

  This has been & still is a great site to learn about the history of these machines & I am proud to be a member of it.

B12 man:
i live in newfoundland finding a snow moble around hear is like hens teath but i am trying to find the parts for one with out having to go to far from home there was a guy in labrador selling one for $25000.00 but that was to much for me but it's fully restored.

Lord help us all, now we have two Newfies to deal with. ha ha Just kidding there B12 man. I won't apologize to the Old Trucker as he knows better that to expect an apology by now. He knows his place.
You two will have to team up together and start pumping out machines. I will be expecting a new prototype by mid summer.
 That's to bad about the high price. Most bombardiers in pretty fair running condition around Manitoba go for around $8,000.00 - $12,000. Naturally, if they are restored they fetch a higher price.
Good luck to you B12 Man.

the old trucker:

   Now Grfishmaker, don't get too upset cause your not down here with "da" boys. Hey b12 man what are you looking for ? There are a couple of bodies over here on the west coast!! Not much left on 'em though. There is one in Howley selling for 12 grand. Another in Gander for 15 g's.   
   There are around 30+ machines between Gander, St Anthony, & Corner Brook area. Where you longs to me son??

See, we got doose mainlanders all confused. Talking NEWFINESE. Grfishmaker is going bald scratching his head trying to figure out if we're talking bout him.

OT - When I type that into the mainlander translation program, it means "Boy, I wished I lived in Manitoba".


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