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Is it possible to build a bombarier from scratch?
B12 man:
us nufies realy get along a but right now i kinda wish i was a manlander for a week maby fiund some part's it not esey to find parts hear where im at most snow mobles were drove in the woods and shut off and for got but reasntly a lot of parts were being taken and most ar thought to be good targets for people with 22 and 12 gages and are blasted full of hols it turns my stumac
the old trucker:
I agree with you sir. By the way what parts are you looking for ?? Maybe someone out west may have a few used parts for sale. There is a fellow out around Winnipeg, Dan Shaver, He builds & sells parts for a reasonable price. Call or fax (204) 467-2605.
Also there is a place in St Augustine, Quebec, called f-4 Dion. I don't remember the number offhand. B12man, send me a list of parts that you are looking for & I will see what I can find for you. I have a couple of parts sheets if that's any help.
I'm sure some of the boys on here should have or know of people that may have what you want.
B12 man:
well realy im looking for the under carrage ex axles, buggy springs and chasey.the top is not real hard to find if you have any pics put them on my post sises of snow mobles any phone numbers names or info would be good
the old trucker:
B12 Man I think your looking for a "woody" frame, am I right ? If you are looking for a metal body in half decent shape, I know for a couple around here. They are free for the taking. Also there's a fellow out towards Port aux Basques that told me he can make the boogie springs no problem.
The swing arms are simple to make. All you need is a welder & acetylene bottles. Between you & me I think we could show those fellows out west how it's really done, hey boy!!
the old trucker:
--- Quote from: B12 man on February 24, 2009, 04:45:16 pm ---well realy im looking for the under carrage ex axles, buggy springs and chasey.the top is tot real hard to find if you have any pics put them on my post sises of snow mobles any phone numbers names or info would be good
--- End quote ---
b12 man I have pics of old bombers but I don't know how to put them onto Northern Tracks. I have them done up so they can be sent by email. If you like I could send a few to you.
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