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Is it possible to build a bombarier from scratch?

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the old trucker:

--- Quote from: B12 man on June 21, 2011, 08:43:45 am ---Look's good so far this just proves my point most of the parts can be made or salvaged and you can put together a great machine keep up the good work

--- End quote --- long as you have 3 ingredients, time, patterns, & $$$, a lot of things are possible. Did you ever gather up any parts for one of your own ??
  There are a couple old abandoned ones here on the west coast.   

B12 man:
No ;D I decided to put building my B12 aside for now and started restoring and 16 elan skidoo not that it would be easy to restore a 16 but there were a few on the NL classifieds and a jumped at the chance to get one.

the old trucker:

  B12man can you email me a couple of pics of your Elan. A friend of mine has restored a couple on them.

the old trucker:

   I was talking to Glenn yesterday. He's back from out west & thinking about staying home. He told me he is hoping to get back at the bomber this winter. He has the diff rebuilt & the engine/trans combo is also ready to go in.


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