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just when i thought ??????
the old trucker:
are northern tracks, the one with the setting sun in the middle of the two words the same as i'm a slow learner when it comes to this stuff. to make the best of it grfishmaker just told me where to go to check out some coats & caps and i'm all shagged up again. oh well like they say; if at first you don't suceed try, try, again. i'm a trying.
Old trucker-
Lord help you if I'm the one to try and explain anything about navigating through a computer.
When you are on the Northern Tracks page with the sun between the words, there will be two choices you can make. You can either click on "Visit the Bombardier Owners Forum" or "Bombardier Rally Information"
Click on "Bombarier Rally Information" then when the next page opens up, click on "Peds Threads Order Form". Then clap your hands three times, spin in a circle and the clothing should appear.
Hope this helps.
Swamp Dawg:
Yes Northern tracks with the sun in the middle is ours. Its an track vehicle equipment sales site, which we host the bombardier forum on. The Ped's threads is new, we just got that up.
the old trucker:
grfishmaker,make no wonder i couldn't find it. you spun me around the wrong way!! my computer's not set up for that function. but the library has all the up to date gear. gotter done.
tanks a lot.
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