Author Topic: getting registered  (Read 8324 times)

Offline the old trucker

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getting registered
« on: February 20, 2008, 08:36:59 am »
how would someone register a bombardier? like if i found one abandoned in the woods, couldn't find the owner, and wanted to take it home and restore it. i checked with motor vehicle register here and they said i have to provide proof of ownership or it can't be registered to me without a bill of sale. i recently heard of an old bomber left in the woods across the lake from me about ten years ago. can't seem to find the owner of it, yet.
  oh well, time to get the old sniffer going again.
after covering a few acres of prime real estate.

Offline the old trucker

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Re: getting registered
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 08:04:46 pm »
    i just found some more info about this machine in the woods. he thinks it's an old woodie but not sure. he told me he knows where it is and he'll take me in to it when the sno goes. it's been there for about 20 yrs. now. i wonder what you fellows think about the metal in it? think there's anything left to it or would it be rotted out by now? i guess your after seeing a few old wrecks. just wondering about your thoughts were.
   if i get to see it come summer, is there any particular thing or things l should look for, besides rot? would the registration sticker be in the same place on a wooden body? on the right side toward the front?
after covering a few acres of prime real estate.