Wired Forums > Lighting
tail lights AGAIN !!!
the old trucker:
i just saw a set of (5) five piece teardrop cab marker lights. i would take it to be five lights & not five pieces per light. their available with RED lenses. jcwhitney.com part # is zx126664t.
$30.99 check it out folks.
the old trucker:
I was talking to a salesman @ Parts For Trucks, a local parts supplier. He checked out the trucklite site for me & says he can get tail lights like you fellows want.
He said you will have to pay up front because he has to special order them through Trucklite in New York.
I was talking to New York's head office myself & they do stock them for dealers.
If you can find a Trucklite dealer he can order them for you. You can Google Trucklite & have a look @ them. The part # for the light is 1312a & the part # for the red lens is 9087. Prices are $ 26.94 &
$ 3.62 respectfully.
Sorry Grfishmaker, I had to put this in for the boys.
Oh yea, if you don't know where your nearest dealer is, when you look up their site you'll find their head office phone ## . Call that & ask for the nearest dealer.
the old trucker:
For anyone that has tail lights with the word yankee 77 on the amber lens, you will be glad to know that the red lens is available separately for them. The light is also sold as a complete unit with amber lens.
I'll see if I can get a pic or two put on here for all to see.
I ordered that set of five lights from JC Whitney last fall and after a two month period they said they are unable to get them with red lens anymore. Thought I'd be smart and get an extra pair by buying the set of five. The Yanke 77 is probably as close to the original looking light as yoyu will find out there. I'll post your pictures of the light (Yankee 77) for you tonight.
Here's the Yankee 77 light that TOT mentioned and he says they are available from Truck-Lite.com.
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