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groomerguyNWO (a few projects)

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the old trucker:
groomerguy how long do you think those machines have been there in beardmore? i know swamp dwag thought the metal looked half decent on them. from what i see, i agree with swamp dwag. i have a post ?? (i think that's what it's called) in getting registered on a possible find near my town. i was wondering what the bottom of that woodie looked like. i'm trying  to get a mental picture of what to expect when i see it come summer. do you know where the serial ##'s would on a woodie?

plott hound:
those machines have been there for dad and i looked at them in 1985,i last time seen them was in 2006.i know the guys that own them and they were not interested in selling them then.used to fish with them,i guess they would rather let them rot away. :-[

the old trucker:
PLOTT HOUND , when you saw them in 2006 did the metal look in fair shape?? that's my question. i am trying to get a mental picture of what to expect and look for if i get to see this machine down here now this summer. do you where the serial ##'s are located on a woodie? same as on the metal body??

On mine there,s a plate on the rihgt hand side in the motor compartment ,top corner of the firewall.

the old trucker:
Thanks a lot. Every bit of info helps for an owner wannabe!!! Wonder what shape the belly pan & driveline would be in after sitting for 20 or more years?


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