General Forums > General Discussion
How many bugs show up for the weekend.and were there any that stood out?
Swamp Dawg:
We had 33 machines. Check out my posting here.
A few that come to mind are Dan Shavers, also Jesse Klassen has a nicely done up machine. Of course there were some beautiful wood machines done by Cam Mclean and Houlio, and one other guy, I can't think of his name.
lol.....I'm sure Jesse had a nice machine.I bet he let everyone know how much he spent on it,and how it was the best one.
the old trucker:
gentlemen would you be kind enough to tell me which machine belongs to Jesse Klassen??
I have not seen Jesse's new ride as of yet.Did not mean to say hes a bad fellow.I have hunted,flown and drank coffee with him over the years.He would give the shirt off his back to help a guy out.
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