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windshield wiper motor

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the old trucker:
grfishmaker, another one for yea.
it's a universal job for old cj's

the old trucker:
This is it Grfisfmaker. This is the end of the line for you. Check out jc whitney. Their there. If your not happy with that, you'll have to go west old man. (chuckle) Go to www.fortune3.comreasondog/VINTAGE-wiper_motor_kit_willys_jeeps_12volt_stainless-html. If it don't work call them @ Gemini Sales in Burnaby, BC. Parts for old jeeps. Phone # is (604) 294-2623. Price is $54.00. Now that's Canadian!!! Almost next door to yea. Looks good.

the old trucker:
I know i'm not very good with computers. I can't use that Found it scrolling around the net & can find again.
Gemini Sales Inc. & the ph# 604-294-2623 are good. Sorry???

the old trucker:

--- Quote from: the old trucker on March 30, 2008, 05:26:21 pm ---I know i'm not very good with computers. I can't use that Found it scrolling around the net & can find again.
Gemini Sales Inc. & the ph# 604-294-2623 are good. Sorry???

--- End quote ---
If you look up it will work. Just talking to salesman & he says it's a universal marine motor. The shaft is 6" long. You can cut to adjust length. Maybe a local marine supply may have same.


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