General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers
Houlio's smart test
the old trucker:
Putting you on the spot Houlio? Listen buddy I was wondering if you would answer a few questions for me.
#1 When you first got to restoring the woodie, was the engine working or not? If not did you have much trouble getting it going?
#2 Did you have much rotten wood to replace & was it the first time?
#3 What kind of screws did you use, stainless, brass, or coated?
#4 Did you put any kind of sealant between the new plywood & frame? If so, what?
#5 Did you have much trouble making the windows leak proof & what did you use?
#6 How bad was the wiring?
#7 What about tires & sprockets? Much dry rot?
#8 Was there any metal pieces (like the pan area) that needed patching?
#9 What about all the linkages (clutch,brake,gas)? You have any trouble there?
#10 Did the old wood take stain pretty good after sanding?
Please take your time & answer each question.
Hey TOT - How come you get to give Houlio a smart test? How will you know if the answers are correct?
I'm working on a smart test for you right now; you better get busy and study hard. You'll be surprised at my questions. lol
the old trucker:
Listen Grfishmaker your not allowed to use bad words on this site. The answers to most of your questions are no,no &no. The last four are ; maybe, I wouldn't want to know & 2 it's possibles.
There, I just screwed up your nite didn't I.
I could change the name from Houlio to Grfishmaker if it makes you feel better.
the old trucker:
--- Quote from: the old trucker on April 12, 2008, 04:42:30 pm ---Putting you on the spot Houlio? Listen buddy I was wondering if you would answer a few questions for me.
#1 When you first got to restoring the woodie, was the engine working or not? If not did you have much trouble getting it going?
#2 Did you have much rotten wood to replace & was it the first time?
#3 What kind of screws did you use, stainless, brass, or coated?
#4 Did you put any kind of sealant between the new plywood & frame? If so, what?
#5 Did you have much trouble making the windows leak proof & what did you use?
#6 How bad was the wiring?
#7 What about tires & sprockets? Much dry rot?
#8 Was there any metal pieces (like the pan area) that needed patching?
#9 What about all the linkages (clutch,brake,gas)? You have any trouble there?
#10 Did the old wood take stain pretty good after sanding?
Please take your time & answer each question.
--- End quote ---
Houlio I just wanted to know the answers in case if I ever get a machine. Besides that I love wooden bombardiers. Beats metal any day!!!
Hey there TOT, I have to admit that this was not a complete rebuild - our family has owned the unit since 1951 and tried to keep it our of harms way. It sat for many years without being used. With that being said, my Dad spent his life as a mechanic and has always been extremely handy at fixing most types of problems. So here goes the "Smart Test"
1. Yes, the engine was basically working, we spent a few days cleaning / servicing before firing it up, but no serious overhaul. Clutch plate was stuck and had to be broke free.
2. All the wood is still original except the rear two corner panels and the front panel.
3. Brass Wood Screws - Tried to get them close to the originals
4. Some standard wood glue
5. Had trouble finding the correct gasket material - I found some that was quite close except the diameter of the hole had to be routered out almost 1/4" so we made a metal jig and clamped it to a die grinder - that way we only took 1/8" off all the way around to achieve the 1/4" in diameter. We also took care to make sure the splice in the weatherstripping always ended up at the bottom of the window (Glass is still original)
6. Most of the wiring is still original - only change was a resistor and some converted to 12V
7. Tires original - Sprocket Original (sprocket belting is cracking and will need some TLC)
8. Still all original, very little dents (not much to hit in the middle of the prairies - and the coyotes turn to short to catch them - with this unit)
9. All original (basic servicing - clutch plate was stuck - had to split tranny to break it free)
10. Just like putting lipstick on a prom date!!! ha ha - Actually it took more stain than I had bought, we had to go back and get more before we did the second coat to make sure we had enough. I sprayed three coats of seal coat on it after that.
Sorry I couldn't give you more information, again I was lucky to have such a good unit to start with. Dad and I spent about 7 months on going through almost every inch of this unit and being careful to keep it original as possible since we had such a good unit start with.
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