Performance Forums > Drivetrain

bombardier rim

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the old trucker:
  I had 5 rims given to me yesterday. I think they are from an old J5. When I was taking the old tires off I noticed that three of them are a bit wider than the other two. Three are 4" wide & 2 are 3 5/8" wide. I forgot to recharge the batteries for the camera last night. I'll get a couple today & post them soon.
  They look to have the same center hole diameters as mine. I will clean them up a little & measure the holes. If these work out OK, I have leads on 8 more.

                                                                                     Looks like OT's rolling in rims !!

      let's see now... $10...sand blasting... $5 for a quart of tremclad paint... sell for $ 200 each...x 8 = should be almost enough to finish my bomber !!  Ha Ha

   I forgot I took a few pics for a fellow, so here they are. Cranman or any body, do this J5 look like it was built before 1960 ??      

Those sprockets look in decent shape also, maybe get that too.

the old trucker:

  Those sprockets will fit your machine. This is one of my sprockets in the pic below.

  Here is a pic of those 4" rims I have. It's a full 4" outside. They all have the 2" hole in front. The 4" ones have the valve guard. Once I have them sandblasted they should be OK.

    These below are only 3 5/8".

Ya, that's what I mean.  Send em to me ;D

the old trucker:

   I think it would be just as cheap to buy new up there, than pay the freight to get them up. There should be alot of that stuff kicking around in people's back yard, especially up there. Ask around & I'm sure you'll get more than you want. That's what I was told by the Grfishmaker, & sure enough I find something new everyday.
   I should come up your way with a pickup & an enclosed tlr.  I'm sure I can come back with enough to build 2 bombers complete....
                                                                            OT... justa scrounging parts !! ;D ;D


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