Performance Forums > Drivetrain

bombardier rim

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the old trucker:

  OH yea... we have a smart alec in the bunch. I'll have to come up you way & pound you up a little... so you'll swell up to my size. ha ha ha. Those solid rims you said are in the pic, would they be the ones on the bottom left side ? The ones that are bolted together ?? The painted ones (big hole) are for his J5's. The unpainted ones (small hole) are from an old muskeg he scraped.

yep....the bolted will find thy work great on the back!!!......and if you can't install them right away.....well.....then you best start using them for exercise,till you get down to my weight,so you have a fighting chance!!!.....ha ha
                                                    hard all over!!

the old trucker:

 You have put the fear of God in me. I'm shivering that much I'll catch ya in no time flat.... ;D :) :D :D

the old trucker:

  KPM I have the old style 10 bolt adjusters on mine. Do I have to change everything there to fit the solid tires on ?? Can I get an adapter to fit over the existing axle ??

....I only know of changing the back axles to fit the bigger rims...


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