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Adding power steering
the old trucker:
Marcdds can you find out more about this kit for us. I'm sure there are alot of members interested. Any pics, price, etc....whatever information you can find. Marcdds I was talking to Alain Bosa on the phone yesterday (he owns the wine color B12 from Quebec) . He was telling me there is a place in Que. that makes & sells kits for the framework of the B12. He will check it out & call me back next week. Do you know anything about this ??
Thanks, OT.
I think the power steering pump would be adequate OT, but I have no details on the cylinder. Ted rigged Cam's big Gem and as far as I know it has always worked perfect. Stuck-in-slush made his setup the same so maybe if he comes on he can scan some pics. I know there was good pics at the time of costuction. I remember the guys putting in some pretty heavy rigging at the time to handle all the torque required to turn those skiis.
the old trucker:
Thanks again Cranman. I just sent him a message. OT.
the old trucker:
Posts: 17
Re: 51 R18 Rebuild
« Reply #49 on: Today at 03:45:40 PM » Quote
hi guys nice job i just bought a nother snow it has power sterring il send some pictures when i figure out how to do this .if any of u has original gauges sterring wheels or even the plymouth center piece ill buy some if u want keep up the nice work u are keeping ARMAND BOMBARDIER dream alive.i forgot even door handels are ok to
Marcdds if you have trouble posting those pics you can send them to me & I'd be glad to post them here for you
OT. ;D 8)
Hey All,
I have seen a power steering posted on here for a wide ,metal. If anyone could come up with a plan for narrow wood that was mostly hidden i would want to install in my machine. I love driving the b 12 , but the steering is difficult going slow or on twisty turns. The sharper the turn the more tension on the spring and chain. As you turn the ski leg stands up more , and makes the ski bite in more. Don't get me wrong ,for the old machine it turns good ,but with considerable effort.
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