Performance Forums > Drivetrain
Replacing the rear wheels with sliders
the old trucker:
Grfishmaker on that red machine with two wheels, it looks to me like the front & rear uprights on the sliders are attached to the original spindles.
That long bar going from top left to the bottom right looks like two differant size pipes made to slide in & out using the original suspension the same as if it had wheels.
I have had one of our Quebec suppliers to our work offer to be the go-between and see if he can find out anymore information or contact people from the video. A nice offer. Hopefully he will have some luck and maybe we can get some clearer shots of their modifications. If they would like to join the fourm that would be great and if the language difference is a problem, we can alway exchange photos of our machines. There is also a site that will transfer english to frensh and vise versa.
the old trucker:
What is the name of the site that will change English to French?
If you "Google" translate from french to english, you will find all kinds of free services. You can translate any language to any language on the web. Some will translate whole web pages.
Who said we had to take french classes in school?
Check out
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