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the old trucker:
   Hey Dwag I think Grfishmaker may have stumbled upon something that might work!!! I think we better hang on to him, he's smarter than we think.
   Grfishmaker I think you may have done it again!!! I will see what I can do & try getting word spread around for all of us to read, learn & share one anothers experiences from being around these wonderful machines!!!

    Grfishmaker I wonder about you. I mean the name Grfishmaker & now There's something fishy here!!! HA HA HA!!!

the old trucker:

Swamp Dwag, this babelfish thing works, but looks like you will have to send email back & forth. I just sent him a couple of messages. It would be nice though if we could find somehow to comunicate on NT. If you or anyone want to send a few pics along, I'm sure he'll enjoy it according to the way I was talking to him on the phone today.   His email is;;;  He is trying to check out those bombers with the slides for me. I hope all this will benifit us. 

If anyone posts a message in french on our forum, we would just have to simpley have the babelfish program translate the message for us. It may be a round about way to communicate, but better than nothing.
It would be the same thing for when we would answer a french post; we would answer in english and he would have to translate our messages into french.

the old trucker:
whatever you got my head spinning. I know now it works. It's like you said. But we shall overcome

the old trucker:
Houlio you have messages!!!!!


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