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Bombardiers from Quebec

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  Here is one more photo from AB Metals showing a second machine. Check out the wheels on the small one. I certainly admire your workmanship on your machines. Very, very nice. Well done.

the old trucker:
   Grfishmaker, do you think there's a 350 chevy in that small one?? Certainly shows signs of care & good workmanship in all of them.
   I'm glad to see that we are starting to expand & meet new friends
that share the same interests & are helping to keep this wonderful bit of history alive.
                 "Bombardiers do it better in the snow"

 Certainly a creative person has made this machine. It has an entirely different type of track, cleats, wheels and a modified ski suspension set up. One can only imagine what he has in the engine compartment and also interior design. A very interesting machine and obviously a very talented person has spent alot of time and planning on this unit. Both machines are a prime example of what can be done with dressing up these old machines. Joseph A. Bombardier would be very proud to see some of his machines that are still bringing so much enjoyment and to see the passion involved.

the old trucker:
   Anyone notice the tail lights on Bombardiers machine in reply # 4
in Trail Talk under Bombardiers from Quebec ? The little chrome section on top & the green lens. Are they original to that machine ? They are very nice. I like the shape.

Not sure where this one is from, but I'm going to take a guess on Quebec.
I am assuming that this machine is either for a warm winters day or for some tougher driver than most. Nice job, and a novel idea.


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