Performance Forums > Drivetrain

AIR RIDE for the old girl


the old trucker:
  Has anyone ever thought about putting air ride under a bombardier?? I know it would make it a lot easier on the machine & most of all on the people inside.
  Air bags, compressors & supply tanks come in lots of different configurations & sizes to accommodate your every need.
  I know some of you will say it will only freeze up & cause headaches. That is not true. Look at all the truck/trailer combos going up & down the road. What's under them for suspension?
  They even sell air ride setups for cars & pickups. I have used air ride for years on my trucks & have not had any problems at all.
  Anyone have any thoughts or ideas about this setup??

Swamp Dawg:
Not to be rude but have you rode in a bombardier??  I find them to ride very smooth.  Even over rough terrain the walking beam style bogie wheels take a lot of the abuse.  I took out family and friends this winter for their first ride in a bomber and they were all expecting a lumber wagon ride, but were all surprised at the comfort.  Heck some people even fell asleep in the back on the way home at midnight.

the old trucker:
  You are very far from being rude sir. And I haven't rode in one, yet. I was reading a couple of articles on the Internet about someone saying they found the ride rough. I think they were comparing it to a van conversion.
  On the other hand, have you rode in a truck with a heavy spring suspension ? Then ride in a truck with air ride ? What I was talking about is the experience that I've had with air ride.
  I was only expressing an opinion or thought. I still have a lot to learn about these machines, & I am willing to be corrected when I'm wrong.
  This is what I like to see. More input from other members. Keep up the great work & looking to more conversations this fall.   

the old trucker:

--- Quote from: kpm on February 15, 2011, 06:10:24 pm ---...if u were driving in the bush...i doubt the air bags would last,on a trail i'm sure they would be okay,just like the slide suspension ...great if u have snow....not so great if your running on some gravel now and again..juz my

--- End quote ---

  Look around my friend...It's on dump trucks that twist & turn everywhere, pulpwood trucks hauling from in around the bush. Even on float trailers that haul 40 ton tractors & loaders. I've ran it on trucks for years with no trouble what so ever. It is tough & last for years, not to mention a really smooth ride. Ask around & see what people say that use it.

..i must be bad luck...cause i've blown a few air bags while hauling logs...of course we get off the beaten trail....juz like i do with my bombardiers..



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