General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers

Gror's rebuild

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Swamp Dawg:

--- Quote from: houlio on October 20, 2008, 12:50:41 pm ---I may be confused about the Model B12 CS - I thought the S stood for "Special",
but from the looks of pics #5 & #6 Bombardier must have offered a "Safari" package in 1950.

--- End quote ---

Ha, good call Houlio ;D

I couldn't resist - I looked to see if there was fuzzy dice hanging from the wiper motor but maybe that wasn't an option.

Looks like your doing well at restoring her Gror - have fun.

Hey Gror - what kind of condition is the fuel tank in?  Do you have any plans for chaning it?

About the bellhousing, I was told by the guy I got the machine from that it was busted out on purpose. He said it made it easier to change out the clutch. Dont know about the tank yet but it is in great shape. And yes the seat covers are for sale. Im still working on shifting design but will keep you posted O.T..

Hey OT - Those seat covers would probably work for the chair at your computer. 


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