General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers
Gror's rebuild
the old trucker:
Looks like there from my era. PEACE BABY !!! Hey BRO...where'd these pink elephants come from !!! Like groovy man !!!
the old trucker:
Gror is that the original steering wheel for that bomber ? Looks like the center part is gone. I found a few sites on the net awhile back that shows how to repair wheels with cracks in them. It's some kind of 2 part epoxy. Results look good too.
Yes I think it is. It has been welded up and a lot of the parts are missing so I will probably change it out at some time when all the major work is done.
the old trucker:
Gror I'm wondering if that old bell housing is aluminum. If so it's likely that the steel bolts seized onto it over time. Had that problem with my first truck. Had bearings rolled in @ 500,000km. Bolts stuck between lower housing & top of base pan.
Could you measure the size of the opening in the wood frame for the smaller back window on your bomber? Also the size of the glass that will go in. Hopefully you still have them out.
I plan on replacing all the glass on my 47' back to the round style windows. Someone had installed the newer larger type windows. The wrong type of plywood was used so I figure I may as well go all the way and change everthing.
Thanks Gro!
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