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How to identify a bombardier

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I thought we should start a new topic where everyone could combine their knowledge to help identify bombardiers.  This would be to help to correctly identify the units by features.

For example:
   - In which year did they start making the skis interchangeable for a wheel package?
   - Was it just the wooden models before a certain year that had 5 port windows per side?
   - Did any of the wooden models have an escape hatch?     
   - Changes to the instrumentation - Chrysler Motor w/ ford gauges?
   - What year was the first metal body unit produced?
   - Changes in steering mechanism?
   - What year was the first wide gauge produced?
We could also help clarify model numbers such as what was the difference between a B12-C & B12-CS

B-12 C                              B-12 CS   

Chrysler T-112, 85 HP         Chrysler T-120, 100 HP (the special is for engine)            Engine
Center of wheels 38"          Center of wheels 41"                                                   Width
Width 13" 1/4                    Width 17" 1/2                                                            Tracks


The vehicle code number B-12CS represents the following:
     B   = Bombardier
     12 = 12 passengers (capacity of the vehicle)
     C  = powered by a Chrysler motor
     S  = the model is special


We need both questions and answers from the people who have spent countless hours with these units.  If there is enough valuable info added to this post it could be formatted different for all the members to use.

In the mean time .... Keep the slush in your mug and not in your tracks!   

Take Care - Houlio

the old trucker:
  Sounds great Houlio! I guess that would include the c18 too. Out of couriousity, is the c18 the same length as the b12 from the dash board to the rear bumper ? Can you change the old style steering like on the b12 to the newer style like Swamp Dwags.
  Questions like that. I think it's great for people that have recently bought a machine. Like 3 friends of mine did a little while ago.
  I'm having a hard time to get them to sign up.

This could be for any model OT - much like identifying a vehicle.  When you look at two trucks you know what year they are by certain features: Tail lights, head lights, bigger motor, etc  whatever. 

The end result would be a chart of things to look for by year.  Might help to find parts, or even if someone is trying to identify a unit that is for sale.

Would someone be able to answer some of the questions I asked in the original post?

Swamp Dawg:
I believe that the first metal machine was made in 1951.  I'm not 100% on that though. Our 52' is metal.

My 1951 machine is made with wood. I believe that 1951 was the last of the wooden ones and the metal ones began in 1952.


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