Performance Forums > V8 Engines
318 Modifications
I have a bookmarked site for the Poly 318,, we have 313 in Canada apparently.
If that doesnt work , send me ur email and Ill send a link.
Thanks there Skenman
I finally got the numbers from a rebuilder.
Took a lot of E Mails to finally find the information. Thank heavens for the internet.
We searched high an low for a new cam amd finally sent the original out for regrind. If any one wants the numbers I can supply them.
If I wasn't such a fan of poly engines, I would have never gone this way.
Oh well it sure been interesting
We are having trouble with overheating with or c12 with 318 chrysler with auto transmission. We thought a cowling around fan would help. Does anyone have experience they can share with us. We are in Southern Ontario near kitchener. It was 2 degrees with heavy but not deep snow. The cab was very warm. Is there any way to control the heat or is it strictly a funtion of the motor heta level?
a cowling helps,and a six blade fan...and be sure to put a new thermosat...they can get nice and toasty inside when there working a bit,hard to control the a window or the hatch..
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