Author Topic: Bombardiers compact 2009 b6 ???  (Read 8687 times)

Offline the old trucker

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Bombardiers compact 2009 b6 ???
« on: September 20, 2008, 06:26:00 am »
  No! it's not Bombardiers, but it has new ideas for old machines. Google in  ""  I like the idea of a deep cycle battery separate of the main engine battery. Sounds good. You could run 12 volt appliances (fresh HOT coffee) while stopped on the trail. Also if the main battery went dead, you could boost yourself.   
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Re: Bombardiers compact 2009 b6 ???
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2008, 08:22:34 pm »
Old Trucker  !! The sno-bears are cool, ive seen several demos, ground speed is good, ride is decent for such a short "wheelbase".  Pretty spendy. Thanks for all of your support to this site.  I don't get to spend enough time on this site as I would like but your efforts to help us are appreciated.  We(my fishing buddy and I ) are pulling our bomb in to start a rebuild, or as much as we can get done before December. New transmission, we have a manual now and for pulling fish houses an auto is a must. Rework a very old and tired wiring harrness, and hope fully some body work and paint.  One of our big hurdles has been new door hardware as you know, being a trucker do you think something for a semi truck tractor would work?  I have at least a name for the style operators that I think will work,(paddle locks) we want it to be a thin install 1" probably alittle more, but most of the operators I've come across only open from the outside.  I have not spent much time in the cab of a semi but I know the doors appear to be flat and thin. I would appreciate any advise you have.
Thanks, Bob

Offline the old trucker

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Re: Bombardiers compact 2009 b6 ???
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2008, 05:51:15 am »
   Redranger I drove through Minneapolis a couple of times on   I-35. I just looked @ my atlas & Princeton looks a little NW of there.
   I'm just trying to help anyway I can. It gives me something to do with all my spare time. With regard to door handles I think Freightliner, Kenworth, Peterbilt all have pretty well the same stuff. If you go with a truck handle, I think it will be expensive.
   Only problem I noticed in what you said is that they only open directly from outside. Inside is a little differant. Maybe you could put a pull handle on to close the door & hookup a small chain enclosed in a rubber hose to the inside release on the handle. I saw something like that on some of the old woodies.
   Another way is to visit a garage door dealer. They may have something to offer. Also if there any truck parts suppliers in your area, they should have handles for the metal cabinets like seen on tankers & the like. If you look @ the posts of the machines from Quebec, you will see some neat handles on them. I don't remember the name right off hand but I will look @ my emails from them & send info to you. I hope this is of some benefit to you. 
« Last Edit: October 04, 2008, 07:55:37 am by the old trucker »
after covering a few acres of prime real estate.