Author Topic: Hello Granpasboy!!!  (Read 8095 times)

Offline the old trucker

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Hello Granpasboy!!!
« on: February 07, 2009, 02:56:15 pm »
 Welcome to NT. When you put the old bomber in the garage, did you have much trouble getting her snow worthy ?? Is everything original ??
after covering a few acres of prime real estate.

Offline granpasboy

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Re: Hello Granpasboy!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2009, 07:52:43 pm »
Old trucker, the last time that we had enough snow for any length of time was the late 80's. My dad was going to get it out in 96, but the fuel tank had a hole. When I built the new one I could put my fist inside the old tank. The BOMBER BUG hit my wife when we got about two feet of the white stuff (so I have to thank her for being on my butt to get it out). I put points, plugs, a battery, and the new fuel tank in her and had it fired up THAT DAY. This is also a list of things that I know are not original. Getting the old bomber running was easy, finding the time is another story. I have two boys ;D and a girl  ;D ranging in age from nine to fourteen, a full time job, and
the farm, that take alot of time. I will take new pictures tomorrow, they will be posted soon after.