General Forums > Metal Bombardiers

Amp Tramp's Custom bombardier

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the old trucker:

   AmpTramp I have been in contact with friends about your machine to try & check it out for originality. I know a couple of people in Quebec that worked with  Bombardier's son, Jermain.
   I will let you know if anything comes out of this.

the old trucker:

 Amp Tramp, here is the report that I got back about your bomber. I am only quoting what was told to me. I'm just passing this along.

Re: Need Identification Pleaseā€
  Sent: March 4, 2009 6:12:13 PM
To:  Claude Stratton (

hi Claude I've been busy , this is a 1974 wide gauge that has been destroyed to say the Least and i was talking to a native in Rankin which is 400 miles north of Churchill this machine has been sitting there for over 2 years 

Hello Everyone
Thank you for responding to my questions on the custom Bombardier called Amp Tramp. This machine sat at our staff house for the last two years as we did not have a any work for it. We use it to haul electrical supplies, conduit  and such. We find it useful as it has a pipe rack and a deck.

Have had many comments on the quality of the modification, most being favourable. I agree it is not a vehicle for everone, but it suits our needs. Runs well and have only had minor problems with it.

Once again thank you

Bob Fitz

Hello Amp Tramp,
 Your machine looks good! Lots of room for loading cargo without having the pain of of the oneside cargo door to pass everything throug. You can tell your bomber was built for work, not a Sunday drive. A pretty stronge looking rack. When you said your snow conditions are different up there, I'm assuming that you mean it's blown and packed as hard as a rock in alot of places.
 Did I read somewhere that you mentioned that you had a trip planned down to Churchill this month. That's quite an outing! Take a bunch of pictures for us to see, as that would be very interesting trip in a bombardier.
Best of luck on your travels.

the old trucker:

  Amp Tramp, I agree with you that your machine was built with your work in mind. I guess with what Grfishmaker is saying about the snow conditions, the machine don't settle much into the snow.
  I have a question to ask you. It seems that some members have installed an electric fan on their motor doors to aid in cooling the engine, from what I can gather. I was wondering if you have the same problem, with hauling heavy loads from time to time??   


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