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Hauling frieght to the cabin via Bombardier

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I have the same problem and so far we figured it out to be the new sending unit we replaced does not match with the Hastings gauge.

the old trucker:

   I sent an email to Swamp Dawg talking about the same thing. A mechanic told me the sending unit was probably made for the light instead of the gauge. Maybe Swamp Dawg could put the email on here for the boys to read.
   When the sending unit is screwed into the engine it is grounded.

Swamp Dawg:
"hello claude  you are correct about the engine being the ground.most all electrical units used in vehicles the ground for them go direct or indirect to the engine.with swamp dawgs temp gauge ,he didn't say if the sending unit is the one that came with the gauge.if he is using the original that came with the engine ,it may not match.

Some of those sending units were set up to operate a light instead of a gauge .what it would do is if the engine overheated the sending unit would switch to ground and the light would come on and go out when the engine cooled.

The only other thing is there may be a small circuit breaker in the system that is clicking test his gauge he could ground it to the engine using a variable resister or a pot as they are called that he can adjust by hand to control the ground to the gauge,or he should be able to use a test light between the wire to the gauge and somewhere on the engine block but not the sending unit to test the should show a reading but it wouldn't be variable.he should be able to get a pot from any tv or radio repair place.
 hope this helps. " Copied from OT's email

Swamp Dawg:
I'm not positive but since this motor came from mid 80's to 90's ford truck.  I would think it should have a sending unit that displays temperature not just a light.  We will chase it down soon, had no time to try diagnose the problem seeing as we were in the bush for over a week. 

Another thing is that when it does work, it shows the temperature going up past 185 then back down to 180.  So its functioning perfectly in that respect.  It just shuts off intermittently.

Bob(older Bob) at Scorpio Bearing was quite helpful setting me up with a SW sender to existing oil pressure guage so he may be helpful on temp too.


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