General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers

Varnished Machine--

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the old trucker:

   May I be one of the first to congratulate you on a well done restoration job!! It's just beautiful!!

                                                                                       A Proud Old Trucker

Awsome job on the finish, I would hate to take it through the willows.
Congrates on a job well done.

Thanks gror.  I really had allot of fun doing the project.  Got about 15 miles on it yesterday and took 9 people for a ride--even my mother @ 83 years old and she had a great time.  No problems,  no leaks  etc...  Today I will go over all the bolts and such and make sure that all is tight and secure.

Joseph Armand would be proud.
Love the pin stripes.

48 Bomber,

Sorry about the slow response.  You asked me for Allain Benoit's Phone number in Valcourt.   450-532-4994.  Going to his shop is like going  back into time.  He is quite a craftsman.  His specialty is replicating old horse drawn wagons from the 1800's and he builds everthing from scratch-including the forging.  He has done a few B7's for customers and he now has 2 B-12's to do in the near future.  He will have the wooden skis and metal runners for your machine.



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