General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers

Varnished Machine--

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the old trucker:

   How is the paint stripping going ? Are you getting down to the raw wood ? I hope you are taking pics of your progress so I can have something to go by when I do one of my own !!
   Please keep us updated !! Thanks.
                                                                   The Old Trucker


Worked on the b12 all day.  Started at 7:30 this morning and got about 1/3 of the interior sanded down and it is looking real nice.  Started using paint stripper on the exterior and it takes 3 coats of stripper to get to bare wood,  then sand it with a finish sander. That part is going slow,  but I have until December to move it out of the shop.  Left my camera at work so I will shoot some photos tomorrow night.   Did you get the B12 carcass home the other day??


the old trucker:
  Waiting for my friend to get a trailer. Hopefully some time this week. Please keep posting on your progress. If you want any pics posted on here, you can send them to me if you like..

    Frank I don't think I'll find the " ID " tag. He told me his inlaws had it by their place for years before they gave it to him. But he says he'll look around there for me.


the old trucker:
     A few pics of oldsledz's restore !! Keep it up Frank. your doing just great !!! Below is a part of his email.
Interior is starting to look real nice. I have a whole day so far in justgetting the interior stripped. It is going to look good. I got my 1/4"birch plywood in and it looks just like the original so I am excited to getit together. A friend of mine is coming up on Friday to look at strippingall the paint off the outside and he is a finish painter so he will do allthe inside varnishing. All the gaskets will be changed on the motor nextweek, so I think by the end of June I should have the motor in and theinterior finished. The outside paint should be started sometime in August,then I will take the tracks off and do all the wheels.

Here is the data off my tag. Model b 12 c sChassis 8a 8050Motor number 1165cCommande number 04137Date Fab 29 11 48 .

Frank if I'm seeing & reading this right, your machine was built in a leap year !!! That should make her more special !!!


I wish it was leap year,  but that is November  29th,  1948.


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