General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers

Varnished Machine--

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the old trucker:

  There you go. Stupidity on my part. I don't know what I was thinking when I was reading that part. Grfishmaker you be quiet. Don't say a word!!!

the old trucker:

   Frank can you take a couple of pics of the metal brackets that help to hold the body together. Is there 7 brackets per side ?? Thanks.


--- Quote from: the old trucker on May 27, 2009, 08:06:12 am ---
  There you go. Stupidity on my part. I don't know what I was thinking when I was reading that part. Grfishmaker you be quiet. Don't say a word!!!

--- End quote ---
I'm not saying a word. Just sitting here shaking my head my friend. Newfies! What can I say? Lord help us all. ha ha

the old trucker:

   Well someone has to get some of you Westerners to smile & I see it's starting to work !!! Ha Ha Ha !!!! I have reached my goal.

the old trucker:

  Anyone have any thoughts &/or experience about using baking soda for blasting instead of sand ?? They say it's environmentally friendly. I am curious of how it would work on cleaning wood without removing too much material.
  I was thinking about in oldsledz's case. May be easier to get in around the nooks & corners, therefore doing a much cleaner & neater job, making the end result much better looking.
  Can anyone add to this ??


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