General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers

OT'S 47-51 ??? Rebuild ??

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the old trucker:

  While both machines are great, I like the lower rear corner sections on the machine in the pic on top . Anyone know which one is original ??

ya ot the top one is like original thats rattelmans machine best regards marc

On a '51 the origional shape is like in the bottom picture.  The top one does have a nicer look though....

the old trucker:

  You are right Averyman, according to Rattleman. That machine on top is his. I just got off the phone from talking to him & he said they put that curve there to make it look better, plus he thinks it strengthens that corner area somewhat. He seems pretty knowledgeable about these machines.


the old trucker:

 Here are two sprockets that came off a metal bomber down here. It's the first time I've seen that. I thought these were for the woody only. Can they fit on a metal machine also ? He is going back into the woods to get the rear end for me. If that diff is belong to a woody, I may have a few parts to fix mine...

                                                                                      OT's ahh hoping it's good. 


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