General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers

OT'S 47-51 ??? Rebuild ??

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I have them on my metal , in fact they were on all the metals up to 1954 or so. These look like the heavy aluminum sprockets. Some were a bit thinner. No reason they won't work on yours. Was the machine they were on a narrow? Not sure when the last cast ones were used, before 1950 I think. If you can get that diff it would be dandy.

the old trucker:

     Cranman that's interesting info, but if you look back a page or two in my rebuild you'll see a diff that Mike has. I noticed that it has a bigger diameter axle than mine.
   Is there a different size hub used for the metal bombers or one size fits all ?? Will the wheels line up with the tracks ?? I have to wait for my friend to get the diff out.
                                                    OT. thanks you...

The newer metals like Mikes were different and I thik Dave pointed out that you would have to make an off set hub if you want to use it, If the carrier is ok in your newfound diff, just put it in your housing and use your axles. It looks like the sprockets were put on inside out from the pics so it must of come off a narrow? See Orins pic of a proper set of aluminum sprockets on a narrow. Your diff won't have any trouble handling the 300 six. Lots of them around here with V8's, unless you are going to do some heavy freighting.

the old trucker:
   Cranman the only heavy freighting this old woody will doing if I get her done is with me & a few friends... pretty well on the groomed trails.
  We'll have to wait "n" see when I get the diff. By the way Cranman what made you think these sprockets were on inside out ?? The hub is bolted on the same way as mine was & the bolts holding the belting were facing out.

the old trucker:

  Here are a few pics of my new diff. I have to wait to get it home in the next day or two to check out the inside of it. It looks like mine. This was in a metal bomber. It is a 1952 R12. Retmech told me about this one & he was out & got the diff out for me.

   These two sprockets were on this diff. To me it looks like it was changed at one time.


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