General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers
OT'S 47-51 ??? Rebuild ??
Get stuck in the slush some day
the old trucker:
Every once in awhile I stop & talk to an older gentleman about the old bombardiers, checking out to see if they know for any old machines kicking around. One fellow I was talking to yesterday smiled & laughed & told me about experiences he had. Said they would hit a snow drift & tip over on her side. They would jump out, upright her & go on again. I ended up talking to him for 25 mins. about the stories he told me. It's interesting to know that people still remember about them.
the old trucker:
Would anyone know if the dimensions of the metal machine are similar to the woody ?? I would like to know so I can get an idea as to where to place the ( firewall ), the upright wall that separate the cabin area from the engine area.
I could use Mike's machine (57 rebuild) as a pattern.
It is exactly 50" from the steel member at the end of the plywood deck to the engine side of the firewall. You should
really come down and look at my rig before the plywood is on. (and I am getting close) Working on the new wiring harness and heater hoses and after that comes plywood. You can see how the wood skeleton is cut at an angle.
the old trucker:
I would like to go to your place & take pics & measurements before you finish but I am on a budget due to health conditions that makes things a little hard to do. I have pics of most of the angles, I just have to estimate the lengths.
I think when I have the bigger frame sections built, it should be easier to fill in the remainder.
Also I have a couple of original panels plus when I pick up the doors they said there are a couple more panels there that I can have also.
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