General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers

Grfishmaker's '47 rebuild

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the old trucker:

  Hey fishmaker, In reply # 7 first pic down, the white piece in the middle looks like the panel just above the windshield. If I'm correct it appears to have what looks like 2 wipers on it. On mine the wiper motor was on one side which operates 2 wipers. It looks original.
  Did any of these machines have 2 wipers on them ?? Here's a couple of pics of mine.


I think you are looking at the piece that had the remanents of three running lights of some kind. It had just the one wiper hole in the centre. I believe that all of the old machines only had one single wiper. If yours had two, I would hazard a guess that it was a later adaption. I will have to post a picture of my wiper motor; it was a hand crank adaption.
Here's a photo of the "Fred Flinstone" wiper motor that was in my machine. lol

 After I realized that I had to remove all of my "new" pieces and replace them all with the correct plywood; I decided to remove all of the old pieces one one side and start over. I did one side at a time as to not loose the old girls shape on the back end. Also, the rear metal frame piece was missing from the passenger side and I wouldn't be able to attach the end of the oak to anything until it was moved near to a welder.
Top rotten oak rail removed.
Top oak piece replaced and new marine grade fir plywood installed on drivers side. I clamped the passenger side oak board across the top to hold the shape untill I removed and replaced the rotten oak on the passenger side.
Picture of the oak clamped for use on the left side.

Here's a makeshift support on the backend to hold the oak frame on the passenger side untill I can weld it.

Made a new hatch opening.
One more for good luck.
 I don't know why, but I always knew that if I ever had a wooden machine; that I would paint it white and nothing else but white. It's funny, but white is the only color. Maybe it's because it was the main color of most of the machines commercial fishing out of here when I was young (look at me I'm sounding like th Old Trucker, ha ha) but it is the only color for me. It's kind of like Henrey Ford said when he was talking about the Model A, "You can paint it any color you like; as long as it's black".
The plywood on the tunnel sides and top were solid so I decided to leave them as is. I never bothered smoothing them off too much as I will be covering them once everthing is done.
Well I got most of the woodwork done and painted before the frost, but the rear panels will have to be done when I get the gas tank and rear metal welded. I will have to move it inside somewhere to do that this winter. I left the front panel off as I am going to install a new heater and make up a defrost vent for the windshield. Also, I have to clean up alot of the "extra" wires hanging around the dash area.


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