General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers


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the old trucker:

   Orin you were not alone, I didn't know what the boys were talking about either. I just looked it up & it makes sense. Thanks Cranman for that tip !! It sure will come in handy.

                                                                                             ::) ;D A smarter OT.

Yep, learn something new all the time.

Orin, how's the work going? I have snow on the ground over here so my garage is pretty cold these days. Just might have to add the wall panels. ha ha

If its not raining its snowing. So i moved the old girl to the shed to work inside. Its been kind of slow going, working on the front right now. I made the fenders out of 5/8s treated plywood and doubled all the 1" strips under them, hoping to make it a little more solid. I put the front doors in to make sure they fit right while i'm doing the framing around them. Have to go to Swan or Thepas tomorrow for some more bolts and screws then back at it.

Well you have a good start with the new oak. I was lucky that I got away with limited oak rot on mine and didn't have to replace all of it. You certainly have a big job ahead but now that the tunnnel is done you are well on the way. When you see a bombardier like this it makes you realize what a bunch of screws can hold together. Remember that when you make her climb over the next pressure ridge this winter. ha ha


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