General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers
the old trucker:
Yea, I was talking about the manifold. Orin, there's a bearing at the bottom of the steering column ?? I think all that was in mine was broken needle bearings. I have to replace the piece of pipe that the column fits into. Sounds like a good idea to go your way. Thanks
O.T. it is needle bearing, but they are in a cage. What ever that kind of bearing is called.
the old trucker:
A friend of mine was sizing up my bomber & thought a sealed ball bearing should work. Should be easier for me because where mine goes, that piece of pipe is rusted pretty good !! I could get the lower part of the steering shaft rebuilt straight & have a sealed bearing to fit over that & into the new pipe.
Needle bearings are the type originaly found in the boggies. Like short lengths of 1/4 rod.
the old trucker:
Quote from Orin
I think the frame work is almost done, a little to do in the front yet where the tin is behind the shocks and make new blocks for behind the half moon gear on the steering. I phoned around here to get plywood and all i can find is "good one side". One place told me they could order "good two sides", but i had to buy a whole lift! Don't think I need that much.
Orin can you let me know the proper size of those blocks, PLEASE. Thanks
The doors on my 53 metal are wood lined like the wooden machines. I bought birch plywood at about $26 a sheet 5 years ago, and the back side veneer has some flaws and it definitely isn't birch, maybe a japaneese mahogany or something but it took a dark stain nicely that Cam put on it before the varnish. He put the finished side in against the metal and lined the doors completely, then made the maple frames around the perimeter, put some insulation in the void and then the plywood. You have to make sure your metal is bent just right to fit the opening before you skin and line the interior as it is impossible to change the shape afterward.
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