General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers


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O.T.  I used 1'X3" oak 6"s long. It took 4 of them and had to put a little piece of 3/16s steel to get it tight. The original was a bunch of pieces of plywood stacked together.

the old trucker:
Quote from Orin;
   O.T.  Good idea about the frost plugs and the fan blows if you switch the wires.

  Orin, think you should be able to wire in a three position toggle switch, so you could push out hot air or pull in fresh air ? Probably a good idea to mount the fan on the manifold side of the engine.

the old trucker:

--- Quote from: orin on October 22, 2009, 09:48:06 am ---O.T.
no muffler, just a piece of flex pipe curled around and coming out the back. I measured the rad for you and its 20"s wide, 25.5"s high and 3"s thick. Also took a pic of the way the vacuum hose is pointing on the distributor. For my motor mounts I used 2, 3" wide channel irons that are 57"s long. I made the motor mount part of it myself and the tranny part I just used the cross member that was in the van I took the motor and trans out of. I mounted the motor and trans on the channels out side, slid the whole thing in, lined it up where I wanted it and bolted it down.

--- End quote ---

   Orin, in this pic it looks like the two bolts made onto the trans, that are used to bolt the trans to the piece of cross member are in line with the angle piece that the lower pieces of plywood screw onto. If that's right, I should be able to use it as a reference point to line up my motor/trans.  Only other way I can do this is wait till I get the "tunnel in place & try measure it from there. Any thoughts about this ? ???

O.T.  Are you going to just weld the cross pieces in and then bolt the channel iron to the like I did, or are you going to weld the channels in?

the old trucker:

   I was thinking of welding in the channel iron like Swamp Dawg did. For the trans I was thinking of welding a piece of channel across between the frame rails, drill two holes in it & bolt the trans to it. Sound OK ??


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