General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers
the old trucker:
--- Quote from: orin on November 16, 2009, 07:51:10 pm ---Got small brass bushing from princess auto, going to try one down there, but if it does not work good going to have to find a bearing.
--- End quote ---
Orin did you try that brass bushing yet ?? Will you have to get the tapered shaft on the column built up to accept the bushing ??
Talked to Ted the other day and he says the bearing is a Torrington needle carriage bearing but he didn't know the number. There are still suppliers out there if you can get a good measurement.
the old trucker:
How is it measured ?? It looks like a short piece of schedule 80 pipe with about a 1.25" inside diameter. I have to cut & replace the piece just above it where the gear sticks out through. At the bottom of that short pipe there appears to be some sort of thick insulating material. I think it's for the horn wire.
Inside my steering column there's a 1/2" pipe that the steering wheel & the gear is made onto with a brass rod going through the center that had the horn wire soldered to.
the old trucker:
Orin I think you will find the bearings that the boys are talking about on the site below.
Torrington Needle Roller Bearings offered by Dalton Bearing ... Torrington Needle Roller Bearings supplied by Dalton Bearing Service, a worldwide distributor of Torrington Needle Roller Bearings.
the old trucker:
Orin can you check to see if this lines up with the bolts.
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