Author Topic: A tip about timing  (Read 11980 times)

Offline the old trucker

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A tip about timing
« on: October 20, 2009, 06:10:15 am »
   Here is a bit of info that a fellow member sent to me today. I thought I'd pass it along.

hello claude   here is some info that you could pass on to northern tracks if you want and mike could record it in case he may have use for it.i am sending a copy from an old service manual about timing a 251 chrysler industrial engine.the gauge they are refering to is a dial indicator.there is a pipe plug in the cylinder head over #6 cylinder.with it removed some carbon may have to be removed from the hole and a magnetic mount and a long pin on the dial gauge installed there to find top dead center.the text says to use the generator regulator terminal but b+ can be taken off the bat.just follow the instructions and the timing will be set up on #6 cyl instead of # 1.this is another way to time the engine if the timing mark is gone off the front of the engine or cant be seen.this is the way i timed the engines in 2 old runway tugs when i worked with allied aviation.also i am sending a file with 2 pics of the oil filter conversions i did on the the tugs.the cartridge filter can be messy to change and the fuel tank may be in the way on the bomber.i cut pieces of 1/8" plate to attach the oil filter adapter using the mounting bolts for the old filter as seen in the pics and and made up new lines.the sending unit in the pics is for the oil pressure light.i dont have a part # for the adapter but they can be purchased from the auto parts stores.the filter is a  " fram # pb 50" and is a screw on type which makes it easy to change.let me know if you get the pics.the starter on the engine is another conversion to 12 volts with the solenoid on top.i can probably get the part # if anyone is looking for one.

          Pics to follow.
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Offline the old trucker

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« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 12:08:46 pm by the old trucker »
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