General Forums > Wooden Bombardiers


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   One of my main suppliers for the shop has the g2s  (good 2 sides) birch ply .I have asked to find out use for outside ,as well if it is rotary cut , or flat sliced. He has not got back to me yet on this. When I find out I will post it.

the old trucker:
   I think you were talking to Oldsledz on this matter.                          OT.

Hey all,
  Is there a place to get the heat, oil, temp, charge gauge?  My bomber has modern ones installed. You can see what it looks like in my pics of the interior. When I redo the dash I would like to have the proper one.

Sorry OT for the incorect post name!  I am still learning tis ting !  I am much better with wood and tools!

I think the 48 has gauges from a 38 or 39 Ford.  You may look at some websites that cater to these vehicles.  Beware of the sending unit fot the temp gauge.  It was hard to find.  I had all my gauges sent to a fellow in N. Carolina and had them re-built.  (D + M  Restoration).  Look under the Varnished machine in the Narrow Ga. topic and it will show a pic of them just after they were re-built.   Good luck.


P.S.  I don't think there is an exterior grade to the 1/4" birch plywood.  I made sure of coating all sides and edges many times before assembly.


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