Performance Forums > Drivetrain


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I understand the national seal 5797, is no longer available. I got lucky and got one from Mexico when I did mine. But if you look back Averyman found a NAPA seal that worked out OK for him. The original National Pinion seal was 5851, but CR#18880 does the job as well.

the old trucker:

  Cranman I was talking to my local bearing shop & gave her the 5797 number seal & she says she can order them through the states. She says there is a flange made onto the seal that has 5 bolt holes in it. I thought the seal inside was separate.

the old trucker:

  My seal supplier crossed 5797 to a SKF # & came up with a pic of the flange & seal all in one. They can get it in the states. Meanwhile I talked to Skidoorich today & got an address in western US. that apparently has them in stock. I am looking for good pic to send to them to make sure it's the right one. Anyone got a good pic of one ???  ???

FORD F-150:
Any one know what kind of 3/4 ton differential would be the best to put on a wide metal bomber?

you can basically put any rearend in, you just need to make proper hubs to line up with track,I put a full floater dana 60 in my 61 wide!


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