Performance Forums > V6 or Straight 6 Engines

ID 265 in 48bombers machine

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Hey all,
  My machine has a ID 265 chrysler engine ,and i want to replace the points , condenser, wires, plugs. The copys of the bomber manuals do not show this size of engine. Would the  .020 gap spec from the manuals of the smaller ID chrysler engines be the same.
  The engine seems to be missing when needing power , above idel.(how to spell idel?...)  I thought I would start with this to see if it helps.
  Any info on the 265 would be great.

18 thousand gap for 265 industrail

  thanks for the gap setting,  thats what i will go by.
  Today I had a good look at the distributor , and compared to the copy manual for the smaller ID ingines. The one I have has no vacum to advance timing. I dont understand how the advance works. Mabie there is none?
  I have ordered new parts , and a friend will help install, but I want to understand how it works.
  I could not find much on the ID265 chrysler on the net. About the only thing was they were hard engines to find, and seem to be in some old army trucks.

If you go to the GENERAL ELECTRICAL part of this forum you will find some info posted earlier that may help you to get part numbers and timing settings for more power. All the chrysler flat heads were pretty much the same and most 265's were 12 volt from new. They develope torque at low rpm and are a pretty peppy engine if you get them set up right.

Hey All,
  Today I replaced points, condenser, rotor, cap, wires, plugs, fuel filter. I started the engine after each part replaced to be sure it would run , and I was not adding more problems to the rough running engine. There was  no improvement at all.....
  The carb kit to redo the carb was about $80  , and a new refurbished one was $160. I ordered the new one. Ittook about 10 min to put on. I started the engine , warmed it up , ajusted the low speed jet ,and idle screw.Instant change and smooth as can be!!
  We all got in and went for a test, perfect.
   The 265 engine is a peppy engine and moves the machine along with ease. My son drove it around the loop and loved it. My daughter ,4yrs old sat on my knee and held the wheel and was laughing and squeeling in fun. We returned home well after dark looking forward th Tomorrow!!
  48 bomber


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