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Owners Manuals-Parts Lists-Sales Brochures
B_Skurka on his forumsforums site points out that copies of the originals are available from the bombardier museum. I for one did not know this. I had been to the site reading up on the history but didn't follow the links. The order form is available at Thank you bob
There are lots of resources out in the 'verse that we all need to know about & share! ;D
When I was offered an area for my Snow Trac forums inside the main ForumsForums discussion website we started with just Snow Trac owners and informations. It expanded over time. But the one common issue that I found with owners of all old machines is the need for information. So it is no longer my little Snow Trac area, but is now the Snowcat area and the more people who post comments then more I learn that we all need to learn :o
We have collected and posted almost every known Snow Trac magazine article. There are others who have collected and posted articles for Tucker Sno-Cats. As interest grew, the need for sharing technical tips grew and that led to searching out manuals. You guys are lucky that they are still published. At the ForumsForums we have been giving away manuals (digital copies) on DVD-R disks. The manuals have all been donated by members, we scan them and then return the originals to the owners. It has been a great way to help people keep these old snowcats up and running.
We currently have about a 8 different versions of the Snow Trac/Snow Master manuals. 1 Kristi KT2/KT3 manual with owner supplied suppliments. Manuals for Bombardier Bombi BR100+, Thiokol 1404, Tucker 222, Tucker 300-900 series machines, Tucker 1300-1500 series machines. And I have a few more in my office that we are currently working on like LMC 1200 and 1500 series, and Cushman Tracksters. A couple folks have also offered me some other Bombardier manuals for the B & C bus versions so we will see how many more we can fit onto the disks.
Mr. Skurka,
Id be interested to get one of those disks
when -ever your able to burn in the bombardier snowbus material.
Also would you have any copys of the Chrysler canadian 313 poly head
manuals, my 62 bomb came with one originally. and
I cannot find a manual. There are poly forum engines talk, but most refer
to american 318's same engines slight larger bore. and the 313 can ind engines
water pump housing sits 8 inches taller so a weiand manifold won't work, if
you want to go 4 bbl on the old bomb, etc.
62 wide
I did responde to that museum file for documents 2 years ago
and did not get any response, i should have mentioned that. not sure if anyone else has tryed ?
62 wide
--- Quote from: Skenman on February 08, 2007, 08:50:38 pm ---Mr. Skurka,
Id be interested to get one of those disks
when -ever your able to burn in the bombardier snowbus material.
Also would you have any copys of the Chrysler canadian 313 poly head
manuals, my 62 bomb came with one originally. and
I cannot find a manual. There are poly forum engines talk, but most refer
to american 318's same engines slight larger bore. and the 313 can ind engines
water pump housing sits 8 inches taller so a weiand manifold won't work, if
you want to go 4 bbl on the old bomb, etc.
62 wide
--- End quote ---
NOBODY calls me "MR" unless I am in trouble ::)
I just received a B12 manual but have not scanned it yet. I'm still working on several other manuals that are sitting in boxes in my office that need to be scanned first.
As for the engine manuals, I don't scan those even when I get them. Some of the manuals I get are pretty thick, add engine manuals and the manuals can often reach 200 or even 300 pages. Engine manuals are typically easy to find at major book sellers or on-line at places like Specific maintenance or operating manuals for obsolete and antique equipment, on the other hand, is often difficult or impossible to find so that is what I concentrate on trying to preserve.
I've found something interesting in that many manuals for the same machines are dramatically different from year to year. I have probably collected a dozen or more manuals for Snow Trac ST4 units (what I own) and it amazes me how different they can be. For my own usage I printed out and laminated several different years and made a compilation manual of my machine.
With Kristi Snowcats, they had only a very basic hand typed manual that was photocopied. I have one of those digitized, but the best part is that one of the actual Kristi owners gave me a bunch of hand drawn supplements and additional technical notes. So we have been able to help out owners who have referred to a manual and didn't get the answer they needed.
Currently I'm working on a Thiokol 1404 manual as well as a Cushman Trackster manual. I've also got a couple LMC manuals for their 1200 and 1500 series machines. The same guy who lent me those also lent me a Bombi BR100 manual.
My goal is to simply get this stuff saved for the future. I'm amazed at the prices people pay on Ebay for manuals! I've seen some of these manuals bid up over US$100. I suppose people are often in serious need and don't know there are websites like these that are dedicated to playing with these old machines we love.
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