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the old trucker:
Hey gror, would you mind throwing in 1 picture of the old girl, now before you start?    I'm itching to see her!!!

I have 3 pictures under the heading of Pics of my 50 Narrow gauge,In General Discussions page2 , they were taken in 2002 when it was restored , wrong plywood was used so it didnt last.

the old trucker:
Sorry about that gror. I thought yours was a metal body. What was used regular plywood? What are you planing to use now? a marine grade plywood? Is there anything else you can use that is waterproof? What thickness ply would normaly be used.  Is the framing all right & just the plywood gone? How are you going to fasten the new plywood on? Use brass or stainless screws. You thinking about painting again or putting on a light stain of some sort.


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