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~~~12th Annual Bombardier Rally 2010 ~~~ Info Here
okay,i'm will stand out anyway...I personally am a BIG believer in having a security I suppose....getting down to 4 more sleeps..than off to the rally!!!....kinda sorta looking forward to it!!!
Swamp Dawg:
Oh ya, we are for sure going to put one back in. We just ran out of time before the rally. We're going to relocate the hatch to the front, where it should be right after the rally.
Swamp Dawg:
Ted Playford has advised us that the Peterson Lake trip by bombardier is canceled due to a road being fairly impassible with the current unseasonable weather conditions and the activity on the road making it a mud bog.
So to make up for it there will be some sort of fishing event/gathering on Athapap on Sunday. I don't have a lot of details about it, but Ted will let everybody know at the supper on Saturday, so bring your fishing gear!
i'm sure that will be a great day,i'm juz going to be able to due all of saturday,including the supper/ should be awesome!!
it was an awesome time some great bombardiers,an even greater people!! was nice to meet some new faces and get reaquainted with some old friends like the cranman and his son anyone who has never been all I can say is that the Cranberry crew put on a great rally...excellant meal.lot's of terrific door prizes.Dan Shaver had donated bomardier parts(EVEN A SET OF 4PLY TRACK BELTS)..which I did'nt I did manage to win a beautiful knife&case made by Sid McKay of opasquia custom I said there was many many door prizes to be won...the Norweigian's were an a interesting bunch of guy's..they followed right along in the rally driving one of Ted&Mary-Ann Playfords bombardiers....I know OT will be reading this so juz want him to know I had no trouble finding SD and his dad,in there nice shining 52,as we were parked right alongside each other!!
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