Performance Forums > Drivetrain

sprockets and cleat spacing

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the old trucker:

--- Quote from: sandybay on November 25, 2010, 09:20:25 am ---Mine are spaced 3.750" apart in length, best way to check is to measure the distance between 10 cleats divide by 10 measure 15, divide by 15 and so on. Should all be the same answer.

--- End quote ---

   Below is a pic of one of my sprockets.

    That sounds alot easier. I guess this is the normal spacing for all these bombers. I can check out ( Mike's 57 rebuild ) as I don't have an old track to go by. Thanks teacher.....OT. appreciates the school-in' lessons.  8) ::) ;D 

Cleat spacing on my origional belts was 3.75 in. center to center which is the same as Dan Shavers replacement belts. (1951 woodie) 

the old trucker:

  Thanks Averyman. I measured Mike's today & it was the same as yours. It's making more sense to me now. 

If belts or over lapped, they have to be put on the right way so they don't thump. The best way i can describe it is, with the splice on the top of the tires, the belt end pointing towards the front of the bomber has to be on top and the end pointing to the back has to be on the bottom.  :-\

the old trucker:

   I guess it would be OK to overlap the belts if you don't have access to the joiners. I think the cost of joiners here are $ 20-25 bucks for a pack of 5.
   What is the cost for 1 belt, punched & ready for the track ??

                                                                              OT.... gettin on track...


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