Performance Forums > Drivetrain
sprockets and cleat spacing
320 bucks
the old trucker:
KPM.... is that for one piece ?? You multiply that by 4 for a total of $1,280 bucks... ??? :o
Got new complete tracks last year (belts and cleats) close to $4200.00, not cheap.
$320 per belt is about right, if you are using your old cleats add another $100 for new bolts and self locking nuts to complete the whole job. We sandblasted the backing plates and the part of the cleat that contacts the belt and primed them try and protect them from rust. (Likely not worth the considerable effort)....
the old trucker:
Thanks Averyman. My cleats look to be in great shape. I am thinking about getting a sand blaster big enough to clean a rim & do my cleats & backing plates. People tell me that POR 15 is supposed good for that kind of application.
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