Classifieds Forums > Wanted

b12 sterring wheel


hi looking for sterring wheel for b12 complete or centre piece only marc . i thank you

The steering wheel and column are the same as found in Chrysler cars. I would look in a car junkyard for a vehicle of similar age as your bombardier.

the old trucker:

--- Quote from: marcdds on February 27, 2010, 03:10:03 pm ---hi looking for sterring wheel for b12 complete or centre piece only marc . i thank you

--- End quote ---

 Are you trying to repair your old wheel ??     OT.

no i need wheel original with plymouth center. center part is the one i cant find

the old trucker:

--- Quote from: marcdds on February 28, 2010, 08:20:28 pm ---no i need wheel original with plymouth center. center part is the one i cant find

--- End quote ---

  Try Allian Benoit in Valcourt, Que. I have two #'s,  1-450-532-4994 or 1-450-532-2776.  One is home, the other is his work. I was talking to him last week.


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