General Forums > Metal Bombardiers

51 R18 Rebuild

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the old trucker:

  Dpaulson could you post the email address for the Bombardier museum. Thank you.    OT.

This is who I sent it to

This is the reply that I received.

Dear Mr. Paulson,

In reply to your request:

First of all, according to your register, you snowmobile comes originally from this dealer - Industrial Engines (Alta) LTD, Edmonton.

Your vehicle was made the sixth snowmobile in 1951. Just only 13 units were produced for this first year of the R18.

Thank for your interest in the Musée J. Armand Bombardier. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely,

Guy Pépin

This is what I accomplished in the last couple of weekends.
Remove and replaced the tin where the side panel and fenders meet.  Both sides were rusted out. New fender tops also added.

Built a tub liner out of aluminum checker-plate.

Built a counsel for the shifter.  I'm using a Hurst ratchet shifter.  I tell people that when I want to get to 30 mph, I want to get there right now. :)

Seats installed.

it is already looking like a totally different bombardier....nice job!!


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